Avast AntiVirus

Avast AntiVirus

Avast AntiVirus

Avast AntiVirus

In this article I wrote, I'll tell you a little about Avast Antivirus applications.
Avast antivirus is one of the few antivirus software that serves as virus detection and to maintain the security of your computer from viruses that exist. It's a lot of computer users in Indonesia has been using Avast Antivirus, Avast antivirus because it is very high quality and can keep our computer well. Of the Avast antivirus has its own advantages and may be different from other antivirus. avast antivirus is also able to scan the flash disk. In contrast to other software. Examples such as SmadAV, on SmadAV if we insert flash disk will automatically appear how many viruses that exist on the flash disk. If the avast this, we must first open the application and select scan removable media. Once the scan is complete avast flash disk, then we can see how the amount of virus present in the flash disk. Avast can also scan faster, how to choose a Quick Scan, if you want to scan to all folders and files in your computer, just select Full system scan. You can also scan specific folders. How to live to Select a folder to scan, after you choose the Select folder to scan, a dialog window will appear and you simply select the folder where you suspect against any virus or whatever you want to scan.
You can get this app for free Avast Antivirus. If you want to use it, please find digoogle and download / download the application, and immediately you install the application so that you can immediately use the application Avast Antivirus. If the computer you have to use another antivirus, you can still continue to use Avast antivirus.

Thank you for those of you who have visited and read the article I wrote this on my blog. Hopefully I write this article, can be useful for all of you who have read it, Amen!

Avast AntiVirus

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